Jan 2009
Domina Doll and Scarlet Lotus Sexgeek are teaming up to put together the (first annual?) Best Sex Toy Reviewers List for 2008 which will be featured on Pleasurists!
We know a lot of reviewers, but we don’t know all of you out there, so that’s where you come in! We have many reviewers in mind already, but we are also looking for nominations from you all to give us a good idea of who you think is fit to be on the list of the best sex toy reviewers of 2008!
The nomination information:
- You can’t nominate yourself, but feel free to (and please do!) re-post this on your blog, that way your readers may want to nominate you for the list.
- If someone is already nominated you can nominate them as well. The nominations someone receives may factor in to the final listing, so nominate everyone, even if someone’s already mentioned them.
- To qualify the person must have reviews up (well, obviously). Preferably multiple reviews not just one or two.
- You can nominate as many reviewers as you’d like, but please keep in mind this is a list of the best of the best. So, try to give me the absolute best five or ten reviewers rather than a huge long list.
- Nominations are open until January 25th and the list of reviewers will be posted January 31st.
You must go to Pleasurists to nominate people. Nominate your choices in the comments of the post on Pleasurists! Or, if you would prefer your nominations to be private feel free to send an email to scarletsexgeek at gmail dot com.
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Category: Musings: Sex Blogging, Pleasurists
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