An Introduction

Hi there,

Long time reader, first time poster.

I’m Onyx, Scarlet’s oft-mentioned Dominus and new guest blogger here on the femmeinist fucktoy blog. I hope to contribute occasionally to this site in order to offer a different, but hopefully complementary perspective on many of the issues Scarlet covers and hope that I have some thoughts or at least witty remarks you, her readers, will enjoy.

So by way of introduction I’ll offer a quick biography of myself.

I was born far away across the sea in a relatively small town in Norway. I moved to the US almost a decade ago and made it through a failed marriage before I got involved with Scarlet. We first met online on the chat network IRC and were sufficiently intrigued by each other to meet in the flesh, the rest they say, is history.

I interests tend to be centered on three main areas: computers, occultism and kink. The first two are things I may touch on tangentially, but in keeping with the theme of this blog I will be focusing mainly on the third category in my posts here.

I will be covering some of my thoughts on such topics as gender identity, polyamory, BDSM and D/s in general and my relationship with Scarlet in particular. I’m also open to any questions readers might have not to mention Scarlet’s ever so subtle hints about what she’d like me to blog about ;)

I’m excited to be posting here and hope you will enjoy my contributions.

You can find me on Twitter as Onyx93 or on FetLife as Onyx93.

Technorati Tags: bdsm&kink, genders, non-monogamy, poly, polyamory

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5 Responses
  1. Amber says:

    Good to see you here, Onyx!

  2. Ellie says:

    I am really looking forward to hearing your perspective.

  3. PantheraPardus says:

    Nice to meet you! Welcome to the blogging madhouse. :)

  4. Onyx says:

    Thanks so much for the warm welcome :)

  1. September in a Glance | The Femmeinist Fucktoy says:

    [...] his guest posts. First, I posted a poem he wrote for me, then he started posting on his own with an introduction, and then answers to Ellie’s questions on masculinity (musings on [...]

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