Genderqueer Drag Quing HNT

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In honor of the Femme Conference which starts tomorrow (more info at the Femme Collective site or my post a while ago) I thought I would post something gender-related. It isn’t exactly naked skin, so half-nekkid might be a little bit of a stretch, but sometimes clothes can make me more naked than nakedness ever could.

The above images (yes, there is a second image if you click on the image above) are representations of me, really a mixture of my drag king and drag queen sides, hence the title, drag quing. All of the clothing I am wearing is mine, the shirt is actually the same shirt I wore to my Junior Prom, all those years ago, though I had a different black suit (not pinstriped) and a pink tie on (which matched my date’s dress–also pink hair and pink socks to match). I love suits, both on myself and on others.

Gender is something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately, specifically my gender but also gender in general. Sometimes I miss the butch side of me, the side which used to be most prominent, but has now taken a back seat to my femme-ininity. I sometimes wonder where that butch went, the baby butch I was in high school has morphed into this femme identity, and sometimes I want to bring my butch back.

Recently I shaved Master’s head, and ever since I have been missing my own short hair, my own shaved head. At the same time I love the long hair that I have now, it is the longest it’s been since 8th grade, approaching where it was then, even. I have these mixed emotions about it all. It’s not like I think I have to pick butch or femme, that I have to be one or the other. I know that I settle somewhere in the middle, and that I can decide what gender I feel like expressing at any given moment, on any given day. But it is still hard to reconcile the genders within me, as society makes it difficult to be in that middle-ground.

So, this is my blending of my identities. The long red hair, red lips, red fingernails, with the black pinstripe suit and tie. You can’t tell from the way I’ve cropped it, but I also had on a fedora, a short black skirt, fishnets, and my black doc martins. Perhaps someday, once I get my tripod and a remote for my camera, I’ll show you the whole package. This is my genderqueerness, and I thought you all might like to see it.

Technorati Tags: butch, femme, gender bending, genders, identities, photographilia

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4 Responses
  1. Amber (tieyou_topme) says:

    Weird, I feel the same way about my hair. Especially because my GF has her hair cut super-short, I see it every day and feel a little pang, even though I am LOVING growing my hair out. (It’s at mid-back now!) Still, I’m looking forward to the day when I decide enough is enough and chop it all off.

  1. links for 2008-8-16 | Ellie Lumpesse: Pretentious Pervert says:

    [...] Genderqueer Drag Quing HNT | The Femmeinist Fucktoy “It isn’t exactly naked skin, so half-nekkid might be a little bit of a stretch, but sometimes clothes can make me more naked than nakedness ever could.” (tags: ) [...]

  2. The Femmeinist Fucktoy » August in a Glance says:

    [...] addition to talking about my gender I also posted a genderqueered HNT which I rather adore. All dressed up in my pinstripe suit with red lips and nails, finding my own [...]

  3. The Femmeinist Fucktoy » The Butch in Me (HNT) says:

    [...] (now Gender/Sexuality Union) and which is still going on today. The shirt is the same as in my Drag Quing HNT, and the one I wore to my High School’s Junior [...]

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