Protected Posts

I find myself thinking about doing more protected posts in the future. I have mentioned that you simply need to contact me to get the password for protected posts, but I know it’s a good idea to post something on here too.
So, if you would like to read the previous protected post and any/all [...]

Write Like Noone is Reading

I’ve never been one to be huge on stats. Although I definitely think they’re interesting and I love looking around at who got to my sites from where and what they looked at I don’t care much for numbers. I would rather have dedicated readers that care and comment then hundreds of readers [...]

I *heart* Sexy Bloggers

The wonderful luna from BDSM is Love has given me a Sexy Blogger Award (award image below) and had this to say about me:
She makes me proud to be a woman of size. Her thoughts and passions have me transfixed.
I can’t explain how happy reading just that little blurb made me, especially the first sentence. [...]

Out with the Old, In with the New

Back at the end of January I was contemplating a domain change. I bought the domain Femme Fagette.Com but left it mirroring Femmeinist Fucktoy since then, unsure of what to do about it, but now I’ve decided.
This blog is now officially “Femme Fagette: A sex positive multigendered fat queer poly switch exploring gender, sexuality, [...]

Toy Reviewing Changes

Made by me.
Taking a tip from Bad Bad Girl I’m actually going to be changing around the way I do toy reviews on this blog.
Not too long ago I acquired and cross-posted all my reviews there. In the last few Pleasurists I have been linking to reviews on Wanton Lotus as opposed to [...]

Rolling Around My Brain

A few quick thoughts tonight. I feel like I have so much to write about and so much to do lately that I’m not really getting anything done, which irritates me. More posts to come!
I’ve been thinking a lot about this quote lately, from PoMoSexuals “Identity Sedition and Pornography” by Pat Califia p. [...]

November in a Glance

I’m doing this post round-up both for you my readers and for myself, it helps me to categorize what I have done and written, to see what areas I talk about most, what things I may want to talk about next month, and where my relationship(s) have been and how they have developed over the [...]

October in a Glance

I’m doing this post round-up both for you my readers and for myself, it helps me to categorize what I have done and written, to see what areas I talk about most, what things I may want to talk about next month, and where my relationship(s) have been and how they have developed over the [...]

New Masthead

I hadn’t planned on changing my masthead tonight, although I’d been trying to find a new image to use for quite some time but stumbled upon this one by accident. It’s called Femme en Vogue I by Bertram Bahner. I don’t really know who that is, but I saw this via google images [...]

September in a Glance

I’m doing this post round-up both for you my readers and for myself, it helps me to categorize what I have done and written, to see what areas I talk about most, what things I may want to talk about next month, and where my relationship(s) have been and how they have developed over the [...]

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