Happy Birthday

Today, the 16th of December, is Onyx’s birthday, he’s 33 today! This is our fourth birthday of his together, the first one we spent together in Ashland, Oregon and I made my oaxacan chocolate mocha cake and we watched Buffy, the last two we’ve been here in SLC.

The bad news is that he damaged his back this weekend, he may have a herniated disk. Not the best birthday present ever. It’s been kind of a crazy past few days.

For you, my love, here is a birthday song.

Technorati Tags: birthday, loving, relationships, SLC

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2 Responses
  1. chicory says:

    oh, back injuries are so painful and difficult — you never know how much the back does for you until it’s hurting. Peace to both of you and healing to Onyx. 33 has been a very transformative year for me (only for the better) so now I wish that on everyone: May 33 help you be the best version of your self possible, Onyx.

    chicory’s last blog post: The Slow Slide Down

  2. dominadoll says:

    Happy B-day to him from another Sag!

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