This year I’m planning on doing a 365 self-portraits challenge. I set up a sub-domain on Deviant Decadence for it, and will be posting self-portraits of me on there every day from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2009. That’s the goal anyway.
I’m already running a little behind, but I’m sneaky and am okay with posting two pictures today for the past two days and just pretending like they were there the whole time. That’s cheating a little, I know, but I don’t really care.
This also means I’ll probably be participating every week in HNT’s since I’ll be taking pictures of me anyway.
Why am I wanting to do this?
Well, partially because I want to get in the mode of taking photos every day. Also, I was looking for photos of myself over the last couple years, and aside from my HNT pics and face shots I took for this site specifically or when my hair changed I really didn’t have that many photos of myself.
I don’t usually like pictures of myself, so this is a way for me to get out of that (maybe) and start looking at myself. It’s a way for me to get more comfortable with images of my face and my body, though I love it sometimes I still have a difficult time much of the time with loving and accepting my body, and viewing it every day may help with that.
I also really want to get better at photography in general, and I think that over the year of taking photos of myself I’ll be able to work with and understand both my camera and photography in general better. I’ll get used to viewing the world through the lens and learn what’s right for me. I now have a tripod and a remote for my camera as well (got both for xmas) and so I should be able to do some awesome things. Once we move I’m hoping to get some lighting as well.
If you want to take a look and follow the 365 days of me go to 365 Scarlet Portraits
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Cool idea, I’ll have fun watching you :) I just might have to do something like this for my diet, see if I can notice changes on a weekly basis or something.
luna’s last blog post: A New Diet
I am excited to see your daily portraits! It’s a great idea. I think it might also help inspire me to keep up on my own daily photo project that I’m a part of! (http://envisage365.blogspot.com)
chicory’s last blog post: this is what a toy is…
I love following people’s 365s on Flickr. Can’t wait to see yours!
Great idea. I did a project in school which was kind of like this. It was a photo journal. You took an image every day of they activity you were doing (cooking, shopping, going for a walk) whatever, then turn the camera around and took a snapshot of yourself. It really turned into some some interesting diptychs. You had to carry your camera with you everywhere and do it rather spontaneously as well, which turns into some very cool, usual photos. Good luck with your project! I am interested in seeing how well you do without cheating ;)! Looking forward to the images!