Happy Thanksgiving (HNT)

I spent the majority of yesterday thinking about today: what I was going to cook, what kind of booze we’d need, and who was going to be here.

Last year it was me, Onyx, our roommate Katrisa, and her mom which was very fun. The year before that it was the same, minus the mom, and our next door neighbors. Before that it was me and my neighbor (and future roommate) Merrilei. Before that I was with my sister and her friends in Seattle. Hopefully next year we’ll be with new friends in Seattle.

This year was just me and Onyx, as the neighbormates headed to Wyoming to celebrate with Kevin’s family. I made some mighty delicious food that we’ve been eating at all day while watching Queer as Folk and The Maltese Falcon. Now it’s just about time for dessert: apple cobbler.

I whipped up some whipping cream for our cobbler and decided to have some fun with it. I thought it might make a perfect HNT post for you all to see…

Click for the larger versions.

Technorati Tags: holidays, photographilia

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7 Responses
  1. Dragon Mage says:

    Mmm … Looks yummy. ^_^
    Sounds like you had a good Thanksgiving.

    Dragon Mage’s last blog post: Finger Sleeve with Vibrating Bullet

    • Scarlet Lotus Sexgeek says:

      @Dragon Mage, Thank you! *blush* It was definitely a good one, though I wish I had been able to share it with more guests.

  2. Gabe says:

    Adorable, hot and yummy! Thank you for sharing your dessert with us.

    • Scarlet Lotus Sexgeek says:


      *grin* Rawr.

      I mean… thank you, and you’re welcome! I knew at least a few people would appreciate it! ;D

  3. Elizabeth says:



    Elizabeth’s last blog post: Finger Sleeve with Vibrating Bullet

  1. The Femmeinist Fucktoy » November in a Glance says:

    [...] Happy Thanksgiving (HNT) [...]

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