This page consists of things you can do to help me out. If you like my site and would like to help me out by buying sex toys or (which is a win-win situation, really), click through to sites via this page or the sidebar and show me that you care! If you’re feeling really generous you can donate money to me via paypal.
This site is my part-time job. Contrary to popular belief, blogging is not always as easy as it seems, I spend much of my time writing many drafts, tweaking little bits of the site, researching issues, and thinking about the next post I’m going to write. If you have some extra cash that you wouldn’t mind going to a good cause, feel free to send it my way!
Despite having quite a few affiliates, I don’t just add any affiliates I come across. I only add affiliates I either have or want to purchase products from, be they toys, sex furniture, or movies. By clicking these links below and purchasing products under my affiliate code you are helping to support this site. If you need some inspiration for things to buy you can check out my reviews or view the links on Pleasurists, my weekly review round-up site.
Babeland was the first sex toy shop I ever shopped at (then Toys in Babeland, in Seattle) so it holds a very special place in my heart. One of the first women-run sex-positive feminist toy stores around, Babeland is a wonderful store to shop at, both online and off. Quite a bit of my collection has come from Babeland, and I’m excited to say that I’m going to start reviewing for them soon as well.
PinkCherry.Com is not technically an affiliate, they are a sponsor. They have a well designed woman-friendly site that has a wide selection and has a lot of great information. They have an especially extensive and delicious selection of glass dildos.
SexToy.Com has one of the largest collection of sex toys online anywhere. If you want it, chances is they have it, or they will very soon. They are also a sponsor of the reviews on this site.
Good Vibrations is a wonderful women-run sex-positive feminist sex toy shop with various physical locations primarily in the Bay Area. Although I have never been to one of their stores (though I plan to) they are another shop that is renowned for their knowledge and wonderful attitude toward all things sexual.
VibeReview are very informative on products, a huge supporter of the sex blogger community, and have fast and discreet shipping. You can view my VibeReview Wishlist for some good sextoy ideas.
For Your Nymphomation is a wonderful shop which provides much needed sex toy accessories to sex toy lovers: cases! Sex toy cases are available in multiple sizes, anywhere from one that holds one dildo to a rolling toy trunk (which I’m currently lusting over!) that can hold dozens maybe hundreds. They’re all affordable and high quality and I highly recommend them!
Liberator makes amazing sex furniture and that is a wonderful aid for sex positions and just sex in general! They also have a line of Black Label products which include hooks for restraints! I’m currently lusting over the Black Label Esse.
Black Label only sells high-end luxury toys like my favorite company Lelo, or JimmyJane. They stock the finest quality adult toys that are out there, so if you’re looking for the best toys they are the site to go to.
Extreme Restraints has a little bit of everything, but focuses on all sorts of extreme gear for BDSMers and kinksters to play with. View my Extreme Restraints Wishlist.
JT’s Stockroom is probably the largest BDSM and fetish retailer around. They have just about everything perverted minds desire, large or small items, from sex toys to cages to restraints and everywhere in between. View my JT’s Stockroom Wishlist.
Good Dyke Porn is pretty much exactly what it says it is. It isn’t mainstream Girl/girl porn, it’s real dykes getting down and getting off with each other who actually seem like real people having genuine fun! Read my review of the site here!
Torrid Wishlist
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