
I used to think I was an exhibitionist. I still do think that to a point, but lately I’ve been so reserved and worried about the way others perceive me I can hardly call myself an exhibitionist. I’m more self-conscious now than I have ever been before in my life. I’m less [...]

What I Don’t Need

At some point before I’ve talked about relationship needs, that is the needs of the relationship, but in the last few months something that has been extremely important for me to realize has been a different sort of relationship need, that is, a lack of need.
When I was younger a relationship or, more accurately, the [...]

In the Middle

I started the draft of this post with this title months ago and had the intention to write about the juxtaposition of how wonderful it was to lay between the two of them and how horrible it was to be between them when something was going wrong. Of course the title takes on even [...]

I Love Them

Found here
Tonight was the first night we allowed “I love you” to pass between our lips, although we have been feeling it for quite some time.
Marla had been hesitant to be sexual with us via the phone for fear of being left out in some way, simply because we are physically together and she wouldn’t [...]

Emotional Roller Coasters

There have been so many things happening in the last week that I don’t really know where to start, but let’s see…
I’ll start with pointing you to the last few posts I did on this subject. Overflow about a week ago Thursday when I was overcome with emotion and broke down, unable to really [...]

On the Transition from Mono to Poly to Triad

Onyx and I have been talking heavily the last few days and weeks regarding the things that are coming up in regard to our shifting from essentially a monogamous relationship to a polyamorous relationship and then into the triad we are trying to develop. Despite calling ourselves polyamorous since the beginning of our relationship [...]

Full Circle

via via art or porn
I always know it’s been a good fucking session when I’m fuzzy on the details the next day or, even better, right after.
We’ve been off for a while, uncertain, not fitting right, just not quite working together the way we used to. The sex has always been great, but [...]

Microfantasy Monday – Growth

The idea behind Microfantasy Mondays comes from Ang of Sweltering Celt.
This week’s theme: growth.
This is not so much fantasy, but it’s very micro.
A week ago we were nervous, unsure of what was okay to say and what was not. We had the same desires we do now but were keeping them quiet, letting the [...]