My Perfect Bedroom

Inspired by AAG in her post Two Images where she actually quotes an older post from 2005 titled “The Perfect Bedroom” in which she describes all that would make up her perfect bedroom. I thought I would give it a try.
The walls would be a dark royal blue, though part of me wants the [...]

Toy Reviewing Changes

Made by me.
Taking a tip from Bad Bad Girl I’m actually going to be changing around the way I do toy reviews on this blog.
Not too long ago I acquired and cross-posted all my reviews there. In the last few Pleasurists I have been linking to reviews on Wanton Lotus as opposed to [...]

Sex Toys and Sex Blogs

Obviously sex toys have become a big part of my life. I think about them at least weekly when I round-up reviews for Pleasurists though usually more because I do my own reviews too, and just recently Domina Doll and I compiled the Best Sex Toy Reviewers 2008 list. This has sparked a [...]

The Winner of the First Giveaway Is…

Coy Pink!
Oh, goodness… it’s pink! I must have it! It goes with my theme, dontcha know. I’d put a fresh shock of color (pink, of course) in my hair, let Alec lovingly place the collar on my neck and the blindfold on my face. Then I’d beg him to beat me with the whip. All [...]

A Holiday Bunny Giveaway

As my last (and first ever) giveaway is coming to a close (ends tonight at 11:59 PST), it is now time to give away the second toy those wonderful generous people at Babeland have bestowed upon me this holiday season: an Elastomer Rabbit Habit

That famous bunny from Sex and the City, only phthalate-free! The [...]

Sexy Kinky Swag Giveaway!

Well, it’s the holidays, and the generous people at Babeland have given me some swag to give away! I chose the Pink Kink Kit (because it’s adorable, and who can resist alliteration like that?)! This is the first giveaway on this blog (with many to come in the future).

The Kit comes in “an [...]

Looking for Some (Stocking) Stuffers?

As you may recall from past posts, my sidebar, or the footers on each post, I am donating all of my affiliate proceeds from Babeland for the month of December to The Butterfly Temptress Cancer Fund. Yes, I’m promoting the fuck out of this, and no I’m not ashamed to do so because any [...]

Sex Toys and Videotape

Note: there’s nothing really in here about videotape, I was just amused by myself at the title. I know, it’s kind of lame, but I’m often easily amused and also having a big can’t-think-of-a-better-title moment. That is all.
You may have noticed there have been a lot more reviews around here lately, or just [...]

Sex Toys and Contests Abound! (HNT)

Click here for the larger version.
It’s that time again, that HNT time where I get to dazzle you with my gorgeousness and you get to ooh and aah at me. I know, I know.
This week’s HNT is brought to you by the wonderful package of new toys from VibeReview which just arrived today! [...]

VibeReview Sent Me to New Toy Heaven!

It’s that time again! I’m excited to say that my next shipment from VibeReview is on it’s way. Currently I have just one more toy to review from them, Silicone Crystal Cote (and what a review that will be!), which should be coming to you shortly. But, having one toy left means [...]

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