On the Transition from Mono to Poly to Triad

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If you are 18+ you should know this blog contains frank and explicit discussion of sex, sexuality, queerness, gender, BDSM, polyamory/non-monogamy, and whatever else strikes my fancy.

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Do I really come off so pretentious? I realize that for myself and many others it’s easy to hide behind barriers of knowledge and pride when in reality all we are inside is glass that has been broken one too many times.
I look down too often to find a piece of myself I forgot [...]

Microfantasy Monday – Growth

The idea behind Microfantasy Mondays comes from Ang of Sweltering Celt.
This week’s theme: growth.
This is not so much fantasy, but it’s very micro.
A week ago we were nervous, unsure of what was okay to say and what was not. We had the same desires we do now but were keeping them quiet, letting the [...]

Terms Don't Dictate a Relationship

I’ve been trying more vigorously to finish Opening Up by Tristan Taormino which, if you don’t know, is all about non-monogamy. I started it months ago but have yet to finish it because I keep picking up other books in the meantime (mostly ones I have to review).
In Opening Up defining a relationship is [...]

Five Things

…that make me constantly and undeniably happy.
In no particular order.

Two hour phone calls about nothing and everything that feel like they only spanned fifteen minutes.
Exchanging “I love you” in a mumbled half-asleep state while snuggled perfectly.
Silences when we have nothing to say, but aren’t awkward or uncomfortable, just there enjoying the others’ company.
Meeting for lunch [...]

Finding the Next Step

I’m afraid she’s losing interest, and I’m afraid it’s all my fault.
This may be my paranoid insecurities talking, ’cause, hey, I have lots of those, but Onyx and I were talking the other night about Marla, specifically Marla and me and our lack of long-distance physical sexual anything which is rather important to where we [...]

Structures and Differences

Onyx and I have had many conversations since Marla came into the mix, understandably so. Sometimes things like these happen at the times you least expect them to, but they usually come at the right times for your life. The universe decided that now was the time for us to get a third [...]

Marla: an Introduction

Number 220 from The Adipositivity Project
As many of you may know, someone has featured in mine and Onyx’s life more prominently in the last few weeks than she has before. Remarkably, we met originally on IRC quite a while ago, and I’ve always thought she was interesting and someone I’d like to get to [...]

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