Fedora (HNT)

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I bought a new fedora last night and love it so much that I needed to show it off. What better way to do that then with a series of HNT pictures? It is 100% organic cotton and possibly currently my favorite accessory, though that’s not a definite as I’m an accessory slut.

I had to pair it with a tie, of course. The tie is Onyx’s technically but I helped pick it out, it just works better with the hat than any of my ties. I was packing during this as well, though you can’t tell from the pictures.

Fedora HNT

I started out sans makeup, this first one (to me) feels a little more masculine, a little more debonair. I feel like a private eye.


On the flip side, this one is the one I see as most feminine. It’s mischievous, maybe a little dangerous, a slight smirk, though those aren’t necessarily the feminine qualities.


I tried out the purple lips to match the tie but didn’t really like them as much, this was my favorite shot of everything that included my breasts though, I really love the way they look and the angle.


Finally, a head shot/portrait/my new twitter picture/etc. This one looks to me like the me I see in the mirror these days, which I really enjoy.

It’s been a while since I’ve participated in HNT, so what better time than now? It’s been a while since I’ve done much on this blog, but that’s going to be changing as I’m getting back into the spirit of writing and feel like I have some things to say.

Technorati Tags: fagette, femme, gender fluidity, genders, identities, packing cocks, photographilia

12 Responses to “Fedora (HNT)”

  1. thepinkpoppet says:

    I love the pics and that hat is very sharp. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Gabe says:

    Oh fuck yeah! Genderfucking HNT FTW! Plus you look super hot. My favorite is the purple lipstick, both because it looks good on you and because I kinda want some of my own.
    Gabe´s last blog ..Stripey Tights HNT My ComLuv Profile

    • Scarlet Lotus St. Syr says:

      Thank you, darling! The purple lipstick is growing on me in the picture, of course your comment didn’t hurt. =D

  3. Kathryn says:

    love the 2nd pic it is perfect

  4. Kyle says:

    AWWWWWESSSOMMMME… totally totally hot in all the pictures and I love the new twitter avatar. Damn, nice hat, makes me want to look around for one now.
    Kyle´s last blog ..Half-Nekkid Thursday : stick ‘em up My ComLuv Profile

  5. Coy Pink says:

    What great pictures! The hat looks fabulous on you. I think my favorite picture is the second one, with the smirk. I love mysterious smirky smiles.
    Coy Pink´s last blog ..HNT – In the shower My ComLuv Profile

  6. Amber says:

    Mowwwwr, HOT! Very dapper! Plus, your pierced nipples look awesome.
    Amber´s last blog ..HNT: Camisole My ComLuv Profile

  7. May says:

    LOVE the first one but they are all great ^_^

  8. April says:

    They’re all super sexy! I like the 2nd one the best. You look like you want to fuck (me) with your eyes in that picture. =)

    I hope things are going well with the three of you.
    April´s last blog ..TMI Tuesday #210 My ComLuv Profile

  9. D says:

    I <3 my fedora. Unfortunately it's a cheap thing from Target that's not at all worth what I paid for it- it's crinkled and just not good quality. I saw some at Wegman's today that I'd LOVE to have, maybe I'll have to pick one up sometime.

  10. Candi says:

    I love these photos! I have had two fedoras but currently just have one pinstripe one. They are so much fun to wear ;)

    I’ve never tried any of the HNT posts… Actually my first post on my site was your Size and Sexuality Interview LOL (which I’ve now properly credited with a link).

    I thought I had done it initially. That was an oversight. My apologies!

    Would you mind if I link you on my blogroll?
    Candi´s last blog ..Size and Sexuality Survey My ComLuv Profile

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